Culturissima is just back from a short trip to Spain, where we had the good fortune to visit the caves of Atapuerca. On our return to Paris we stumbled on the following article in the French newspaper Le Figaro, which has just been translated by Culturissima's David Winter.
A Spanish archaeologist claims that fossilised remains found in Atapuerca in Spain bear traces of cannibalism. Registered on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2000, Atapuerca is one of the largest archaeological sites in Europe.
Fossilised remains found on the site of Atapuerca, thought to belong to the first Europeans, have revealed that pre-historic man was cannibalistic and enjoyed eating the flesh of children and teenagers. One of the co-ordinators of the Atapuerca project, José Maria Bermudez de Castro, told the French news agency AFP: "We now know that they practised cannibalism".